I am an associate professor (docent) at the Department of Theoretical Computer Science at the Faculty of Information Technology of Czech Technical University in Prague.
- Mail: tom (at) ucw.cz.
- If you would like to send me something sensitive, please encrypt it with my PGP key. Its fingerprint is DE68 B5D2 DE92 3D1F 1124 B35D F646 D0A3 2445 7F72.
- I keep using several other addresses: tomas.valla (at) fit.cvut.cz, valla (at) kam.mff.cuni.cz, and maybe even more. I read them all.
- Jabber: tom (at) ucw.cz.
- FIT ČVUT: building A, room A-1229, phone: +420-22435-9877
Výuka / Teaching
(in Czech only)
Aktuální výuka
- Algoritmy a grafy 1
- Grafy a kombinatorika
- Teoretický seminář
- Programovací praktika (trénink na ACM ICPC)
- Vedení bakalářských a diplomových prací (do systému témata nevypisuji, máte-li zájem u mě dělat práci, ozvěte se mi a probereme vše osobně)
Výuka v minulosti
- Pokročilá algoritmizace
- Kombinatorická teorie her
- Algoritmy a grafy 2 - cvičení
- Algoritmy a grafy 1 - přednáška
- Algoritmy a grafy 1 - cvičení
- Efektivní algoritmy
- v minulosti: Grafové algoritmy, Automaty a gramatiky, Algoritmy a datové struktury, Kombinatorika a grafy, Diskrétní matematika, Lineární algebra, Programování, Introduction to problem solving
Učební texty
About me
- My geek code :-)
- I'm one of the UCW.
- Links to home pages of my friends
- There is an old version of my homepage, which is horribly outdated and it is kept for nostalgic purposes.
- I play the guitar for a long time and I like good music in general.
- I enjoy travelling to wild nature and countries.
Research interests:
- computational complexity and algorithms
- positional games and combinatorial game theory
- algorithmic game theory
- Ramsey theory and graph theory
- LIBUCW – a C programmer's toolbox. (download: GIT, FTP,, HTTP)
- VRR: VectoR editoR
- Sherlock Holmes fulltext search engine (download: FTP, HTTP)
- Lestrade: a lightweight fulltext search library (download: FTP, HTTP)
- Kibitz: fast phrase completion library (download: FTP, HTTP)
- some proprietary projects: usually related to fast and large-scale data indexing and searching
- and other small or obsolete programs :)
- Amateur radio operator, callsign OK3TV
- FIKS: correspondence seminar of FIT ČVUT for secondary school students
- Prázdninová škola Lipnice
- Velký Vůz
- Po Škole, noční pražská šifrovačka
... and some links to archive stuff ...
... where I used to be active.
- Korespondenční seminář z programování
- KAM Series
- Spring Schools on Combinatorics
- Letní a zimní škola matematiky a fyziky
- Karlín computer lab
- Turistický oddíl