Homepage of Tomáš Valla
Here is the czech version of this site, unlike this outdated version
the czech version is usually up to date.

Welcome, stranger.
My name is Tomáš Valla and you have just arrived at my homepage.
How to contact me
- E-Mail should go to tom<at>ucw.cz.
- If you wish to send me something private, please encrypt the message by my PGP key.
Its fingerprint is 12AF 49A6 7650 C653 F0F7 B863 EA14 A46A 86BA 776C.
- Jabber (or google talk) at tomas.valla@njs.netlab.cz.
- Good old unix talk: please find me at valla at kam.mff.cuni.cz.
- Phone number to my office: +420221914221.
In czech only
Who am I and what am I doing here
It may look attractive or odd to you (it depends on your angle of view)
that I study at the Faculty of Maths and Physics
(widely known as matfyz)
of Charles Univerisity, Prague, Czech Republic.
However, if you think that all I do is math, then you are terribly wrong.
What I like
Music and literature
Mountains and other trips
- I am lazy to post photos from newer trips...
- Armenia 2006
- Monte Negro 2005
- Expedition Ukraine 2003
- Krkonoše in winter
December 2001, all photos taken by David.
Experiential courses
Mathematics and computer science